Managing Money With a Budget

Managing Money With a Budget

Every little bit of money counts in today’s economic climate, and for many, it’s about making what they have, work for what it is that they need. Money management is an important skill to learn as it helps boost finances with very simple steps. Money management can ease the stress and financial worries of people…

Your Business and Ethics

Your Business and Ethics

Business ethics are the system of moral and ethical beliefs that guides the values, behaviours and decisions of a business organisation and the individuals involved within that business. These ethics are important to business as many of them are tied directly into the law, and breaches of these can be punishable as an offence Though…

What Tax do I pay on my KiwiSaver?

What Tax do I pay on my KiwiSaver?

KiwiSaver contributions come from before-tax pay, at a set rate. The KiwiSaver scheme invests these contributions made by individuals so that those contributions can earn money straight away. This means that the profits that those contributions make may need to be taxed. To use the right tax rate, it’s important to know what kind of…

Income equalisation schemes

Income equalisation schemes

An income equalisation scheme is offered to businesses in the farming, fishing, forestry, testing, construction, and mining industry. It operates as a method for businesses to even out income fluctuations by distributing their gross income from year to year.  A special account is created for businesses where they can pay their income and earn an…