Conducting your business’ health-check

Conducting your business’ health-check

With the current economic slowdown, now is the perfect time to review your business strategy and conduct a business “health check” to come out the other side improved and ready to go. Analyse whether or not your business is in the state that you want it to be in and any improvements you can make…

How to support your employees through COVID-19

How to support your employees through COVID-19

Supporting your employees during chaotic times as an empathetic leader will improve your relationships within your business and boost personal confidence. Here are some ways you can support your employees mentally and financially during these uncertain times. Be open with your employeesAs businesses implode due to current economic circumstances, employees want transparency and closure over…

Increasing workplace flexibility

Increasing workplace flexibility

Businesses now working from home can take the opportunity for employers to learn from the experience and consider new work structures coming out of COVID-19. This could mean increased flexibility for employees when it comes to working remotely. Here’s why you should consider flexible work arrangements with your employees. Increase productivity Flexible work arrangements can…

Managing money on a low income

Managing money on a low income

Increasing living expenses and commitments can make it challenging to manage and save money, especially for low income earners. Here are some tips that may help you reduce financial pressures on a low income… Prioritise high-interest debts:If you have a lot of different debts to pay off, prioritise them by their interest rates. Paying off…

Adapting your marketing amidst COVID-19

Adapting your marketing amidst COVID-19

Marketing your products and services during a global crisis may not always seem appropriate. Not only is it harder to create content with COVID-19 restrictions on you and your staff, but it is also important to make sure that your marketing is considerate and appropriate, otherwise your customers may view you as being insensitive. Keep…

COVID-19 tax relief for businesses

COVID-19 tax relief for businesses

The Inland Revenue will provide all New Zealand-based businesses struggling to pay their taxes due to COVID-19 with various forms of tax relief. Here’s a breakdown of the key relief strategies applicable to your business during these tough times. Penalties and interest write-off:Businesses unable to pay their taxes on time due to financial strain caused…