Paying resident withholding tax 

Resident withholding tax (RWT) is the tax deducted on interest paid to New Zealand tax residents on their deposit accounts. Your bank, fund manager, or a custodian deducts RWT from your interest or dividend amount before they pay you. The amount of RWT you have to pay varies for each person depending on your tax…

What to include in a business partnership agreement 

Entering into a business partnership can come with conflicts and misunderstandings between you and your new associate. This is why having a written agreement that clearly outlines your rights and responsibilities is important for maintaining a healthy business relationship between partners. Here are some key areas to include in your partnership agreement: Name of partnership:…

Strategies to increase profit

Whether you are struggling to keep up a steady income or wanting to grow your business, increasing sales revenue is often a central goal for businesses. Here are some strategies you can consider when looking to improve profit: Redesign operations for maximum efficiency:If you really look at the operation processes of your business, you’ll often…

How to avoid non-paying clients

Running a business is hard enough without having to chase up payments from your customers. Here are some measures you can take to prevent yourself from having to deal with the profitability imbalance, negative client relation, and legal ordeals that come with chasing up owed debt. Research the customer:Before you enter into an agreement with…

Kiwisaver for employers

If an employee is a KiwiSaver member making contributions from their pay, employers must also make a contribution every time they pay their employee salary or wages. These compulsory employer contributions (CEC) are at a minimum rate of 3% of the employee’s gross salary or wages. CEC is not compulsory if the employee is under…

Moving your business online 

In order to keep up with the growing demands of digital accessibility and convenience, many businesses decide to partially or completely move their business online. This can help with extending customer reach beyond the geographical boundaries of a physical business, offering customers easy access to your products or services, scaling and growth, and reducing costs…

Are you prone to emotional overspending? 

Online shopping is available 24/7, making it easy to indulge in retail therapy whenever you’re feeling low. With many consumers using PayPal or saving their credit card details on Google, spending money is so easy that it may not feel like a big deal when clicking the ‘order’ button. While treating yourself every once in…